One Piece Windows Theme and Rainmeter Skin

One of the coolest Anime around: One Piece! If you like Animes, give this Windows 7 theme a try and download several One Piece icons for Windows 7 after the break.

The Artwork/Wallpapers used in the theme belongs to Respective Owners.
Theme compiled for VikiTech.
Credits include in text.


1.install the universal themepatcher(inside the theme folder) Choose your Achitecture..Then reboot your system.(if you allready have one DO NOT Install
2.install the theme resource changer.. Choose your Architecture 64Bit or 32Bit.
3.install the One Piece themes.
4.install the shellorb.
5.install the the screen saver.
6.Install Rainmeter
7.Install one_piece_rainmeter_skin
8.use the branding changer to change yout branding photo. (Run as Admin)
9.Logo Changer select any one piece wallpaper (Run as Admin)
10.Windows 7 Start button Changer 2.6 select photo or icon (Run as Admin)
11. Auto hide your Taskbar.

Here’s a preview of some of the One Piece desktop wallpaper included in the Windows 7 desktop themes.

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About Chucks

A Freelance Computer Tech with knowledge about computer, router and mobile phones, especially in Upgrade and Downgrade OS, Software and Hardware troubleshooting. fallow me at Google+
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